Skincare - your questions answered

As skincare experts, we believe in the power of providing you with the essential knowledge to look after your skin, just as we would. What we do consistently every day will yield the greatest results in the long term, as the famous Tony Robbins states. This does not just apply to life, but to your skin also! 

We get asked an array of different questions, so we wanted to sum up some of the most asked questions. If we haven’t answered your questions below, fear not, you can chat with us or book a free online skin consultation. 

How to layer skincare

Applying your skincare regime in the correct order is essential in order to ensure you achieve optimal results.What order to apply your skincare will often vary from brand to brand. We advise that you consult with your skincare expert. 

In the morning, It is crucial that you initially cleanse your face. If using AlumierMD products, a serum would typically follow, with sunscreen as the final step. Sunscreen is important to ensure that UV damage is reduced. 

In the evening, cleanse your face thoroughly, removing all traces of make up. Depending on the advice of your skincare specialist, retinol would then be applied, followed with an acid based exfoliant or other speciality serum and a moisturiser. 

What skincare do I need?

What skincare you need will depend on your skin type. Typically, a cleanser, treatment serums (such as retinols / AHAs etc), moisturiser and sunscreen are the essentials required. We recommend you consult a skincare expert to ensure that you are using the most appropriate skincare for your skin type. 

Here at Serenity, we offer free online consultations with an expert, bringing our expert knowledge to the comfort of your home. 


What should my skincare routine be?

Your skincare routine will vary depending on your skin type. We recommend a cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen for all of our patients. Treatment serums are very important and  should be tailored to your unique skin type. We offer free online consultations to prescribe skin care specifically formulated with you in mind. 

What age should you start a skincare routine?

It is important to start an anti-ageing skincare routine preferably from your mid-twenties. For those with acne prone skin, starting a good skincare regime as soon as possible, will help control breakouts and further scarring and pigmentation.

Sunscreen is the most important cosmeceutical you will ever use and should be used from a young age. 90% of premature ageing is caused by UV damage. 

What is medical grade or medical professional skincare?

Medical grade skincare (also known as medical professional skincare) is preferred by medical professionals and refers to skincare that uses ingredients medically proven to be beneficial for your skin type or concern. These ingredients are also known for their purity and superiority, compared with ingredients found in over-the-counter brands. 

What causes acne?

Acne occurs in the hair follicle and attached sebaceous gland. There is an increased buildup of dead skin cells, which contribute to clogging the hair follicle, as well as increased sebum production. Sebum also alters in its consistency, further adding to the clogged affect. Acne sebum is deficient in linoleic acid, which is an essential fatty acid. P. acne bacteria levels are increased on the skin, which grows without any oxygen. 

Acne is often incorrectly seen as a teenagers disease however, it can present in adults also. Acne is not caused by poor hygiene and therefore, patients with acne should avoid cleansing more than twice a day. Cleansing more frequently will lead to skin sensitivity. 

How can you clear up acne?

There are a variety of treatment options available for acne patients, including prescribed medications, home skincare, chemical peels, light therapy and lasers. 

We always suggest that patients with acne should be on a tailored home skincare regime. What you do consistently, is of great importance to achieving your goals. Topical ingredients such as, salicylic acid, retinols, beta hydroxy acids, help to control sebum levels, reduce scarring and pigmentation, as well as removing dead skin from clogged pores. 

How do I get rid of blackheads?

Blackheads are open mirco-comedones. The pores become clogged due to dead skin build up and excess sebum. The comedone turns black due to oxidation. 

Ensure that you thoroughly cleanse your skin in the morning and evening, removing all traces of make up. Retinols, beta hydroxy acids are effective home skin care products that can help to manage and reduce blackheads. 

What is the best product to get rid of blackheads?

Retinols, salicylic acids and cleansers are some of the most effective skincare products to improve the appearance of blackheads. 

Retinol 1% by AlumierMD


Bright & Clear Solution


How can I tighten the skin under my eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very delicate. We always explain that prevention is better than the cure. Sunscreen is one of the most essential skincare products, which will help prevent premature ageing around the eyes. We also recommend a low strength retinol, specifically formulated for the delicate eye area, This will stimulate collagen and elastin production, improving the appearance of the skin. We also recommend in-clinic treatments, such as micro-needling, skin resurfacing or radio frequency. 

What is the best anti-ageing skincare?

Sunscreens, retinols and acid based exfoliators are the most typically recommended products for anti-ageing. Anti-oxidants, such as vitamin C, are also well known for their anti-ageing benefits.

Here at Serenity, we offer free online consultations to prescribe a bespoke skincare plan for you to follow. Book your online consultation with us today. 

What anti aging products do dermatologists recommend?

As skincare experts, we always recommend the use of sunscreen. This will help prevent premature ageing caused by UV rays. Retinols and acid based exfoliators will remove dead skin build up, which leaves the skin looking dull and lifeless, whilst retinol will encourage new skin cells to turnover at a faster rate. 

Sunscreens are available in chemical and physical form. We highly recommend physical sunscreens, as these are not absorbed into the bloodstream and instead, sit on top of the skin. Always remember to use sunscreen around the eyes. The skin here is the thinnest on the entire body and is often an area neglected. 

Ensure you have consulted your skincare expert regarding retinol and acid based exfoliators.There are many different derivatives and strengths of retinol. There are also a variety of acids and depending on your skin type and concern, some acids will be more effective for you than others. 

Can skincare prevent ageing?

A good skincare regime is essential to help to prevent premature ageing. Sunscreen is the most important skin care you will ever use for anti-ageing. Retinols and acid based exfoliators will provide the skin with a more rejuvenated and revitalised complexion, due to the removal of dead skin and the stimulation of new skin cells.